The Kapnikos 10-Day Meal & Breakfast Plan


The Kapnikos Stathmos meal plan is based on the principle of balanced and healthy eating, offering a variety of nutrients through different food groups.

The philosophy behind this program is to meet the dietary needs of meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans while maintaining a balance between proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. Meals include vegetables, legumes, grains, fish, meat, and vegan protein alternatives like tofu and chickpeas.

The variety of meals helps prevent monotony and ensures the consumption of all necessary nutrients. Salads accompany almost every meal to provide freshness, vitamins, and fiber, while the fruits included in the plan offer additional vitamins and antioxidants. The plan also blends traditional flavors (e.g., bean soup, spinach pie) with modern choices (e.g., pizza with vegan ingredients), creating a balanced mix.

The goal is to satisfy both the nutritional needs and taste preferences of all participants, offering flexibility and variety, ensuring that food enjoyment is not sacrificed for nutritional value.

In between meals, depending on the occasion, traditional Greek dishes such as moussaka, stuffed vegetables, and village-style pies will be offered to introduce the volunteers to Greece's rich culinary heritage. This experience will foster cultural exchange and a deeper appreciation of traditional Greek cuisine.

PS: In the outdoor kitchen, there is a traditional wood-fired oven where volunteers will have the opportunity to learn, with the help of experienced cooks, how to light and operate it. They can experiment with baking bread, pizza, or reheating leftovers. This experience is especially valuable for young people from large urban centers. By Friday afternoon, volunteers are provided with ingredients from a list of 50 different food items. After coordinating with each other, they note down the ingredients they will need along with the quantities, and they independently plan the weekend's meal schedule. During these two days, they are responsible for both meal preparation and maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen.


1st and 3rd Week of the Month







2nd and 4th Week of the Month








The breakfast provided to volunteers is designed to meet their nutritional needs and preferences, offering variety and balance on a daily basis. Each day, 18 different items are available, allowing participants to create their own meal according to their preferences and dietary needs, whether they are omnivores, vegetarians, or vegans. The ingredients include options from cereals, dairy, plant-based products, fruits, nuts, and proteins. These foods are carefully selected to provide energy, nutrients, and flavor, ensuring that volunteers start their day off strong.

To maintain freshness and variety, every second week, 8 of the 18 items are replaced with new ones. This keeps the menu exciting, allowing volunteers to explore different flavors and combinations, preventing monotony. This rotation enriches their culinary experience and ensures they receive a diverse range of nutrients.

Breakfast is served at a specific time, from 08:00 to 09:00. At 08:00, a staff member places the 18 items on the breakfast table, and they remain available only for one hour. After 09:00, the breakfast items are no longer accessible, nor can they be used for a mid-morning snack. Volunteers who wish to have breakfast must do so within this set time frame.

1st and 3rd Week of the Month

  1. Oats/Βρώμη
  2. Seasonal fruits (e.g., apples, pears, bananas)/Εποχιακά φρούτα (π.χ., μήλα, αχλάδια, μπανάνες)
  3. Peanut butter/Φυστικοβούτυρο
  4. Whole grain bread/Ψωμί ολικής άλεσης
  5. Nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts)/Ξηροί καρποί (π.χ., αμύγδαλα, καρύδια)
  6. Avocado/Αβοκάντο
  7. Yogurt (or plant-based yogurt for vegans)/Γιαούρτι (ή φυτικό γιαούρτι για vegan)
  8. Honey or maple syrup/Μέλι ή σιρόπι σφενδάμου
  9. Eggs/Αυγά
  10. Chia seeds/Σπόροι chia
  11. Natural juices/Φυσικοί χυμοί
  12. Tahini/Ταχίνι
  13. Pumpkin seeds/Κολοκυθόσποροι
  14. Feta cheese (for vegetarians)/Φέτα (για χορτοφάγους)
  15. Almond milk (for vegans)/Γάλα αμυγδάλου (για vegan)
  16. Olive oil (for salads or bread)/Ελαιόλαδο (για σαλάτες ή ψωμί)
  17. Quinoa/Κινόα
  18. Müssli/Μούσλι
  19. Milk/Γάλα

2nd and 4th Week of the Month

  1. Almond butter/Αμυγδαλοβούτυρο
  2. Smoothies with plant-based milk/Σμούθι με φυτικό γάλα
  3. Barley flakes/Νιφάδες κριθαριού
  4. Flaxseeds/Λιναρόσποροι
  5. Sugar-free jam/Μαρμελάδα χωρίς ζάχαρη
  6. Hummus/Χούμους
  7. Sliced yellow cheese/Φέτες κίτρινου τυριού
  8. Turkey slices/Φέτες γαλοπούλας
  9. Ham slices/Φέτες ζαμπόν
  10. Oats/Βρώμη
  11. Seasonal fruits/Εποχιακά φρούτα
  12. Whole grain bread/Ψωμί ολικής άλεσης
  13. Nuts/Ξηροί καρποί
  14. Yogurt/Γιαούρτι
  15. Honey or maple syrup/Μέλι ή σιρόπι σφενδάμου
  16. Tahini/Ταχίνι
  17. Almond milk/Γάλα αμυγδάλου
  18. Müssli/Μούσλι
  19. Milk/Γάλα

The List of 50 Products - Collaboration, Communication, Responsibility, Respect for food

For the preparation of weekend meals, the responsibility lies with the volunteers themselves. Through mutual agreement, they are required to plan the meals they will prepare. Those responsible for cooking for the team must submit, no later than Friday at 9:00 AM, a list of all the necessary ingredients from the Kapnikos storage, including the exact quantities for each item. This preparation list is based on the 50 products outlined below. If additional ingredients are required that are not included in this list, the volunteers needing them are responsible organizing their purchase.

The organization of weekend meals aims to

At the same time, this process cultivates skills such as collaboration, communication, and responsibility. It promotes healthy eating, encourages the sustainable use of available resources, and teaches the importance of proper preparation and planning.

Particular emphasis is placed on avoiding the waste of available resources, encouraging participants to use the materials at their disposal wisely. The process instills respect for food, fosters environmental awareness, and highlights the importance of managing supplies responsibly.

This activity is not only educational but also creates a sense of community and solidarity. Participants learn to work as a team, respect the needs of others, and find solutions collectively. Furthermore, the process develops essential skills for daily life, such as organization, adaptability, responsibility, and an appreciation for the value of every resource.

  1. Corn Flakes/Corn Flakes 
  2. Ketchup/Ketchup 
  3. Merenta/Μερέντα (chocolate spread) 
  4. Müssli/Μούσλι (granola/cereal mix) 
  5. Cucumbers/Αγγούρια 
  6. Flour/Αλεύρι 
  7. Eggs/Αυγά 
  8. Butter/Βούτυρο 
  9. Oats/Βρώμη 
  10. Milk/Γάλα 
  11. Yogurt/Γιαούρτι 
  12. Olive oil/Ελαιόλαδο 
  13. Olives/Ελιές 
  14. Sugar/Ζάχαρη 
  15. Watermelon/Καρπούζι 
  16. Coffee/Καφές (Greek coffee) 
  17. Zucchini/Κολοκυθάκια 
  18. Canned peas/Κονσέρβες αρακάς 
  19. Canned giant beans/Κονσέρβες γίγαντες 
  20. Canned meatballs/Κονσέρβες κεφτεδάκια 
  21. Canned mushrooms/Κονσέρβες μανιτάρια 
  22. Canned stuffed vine leaves/Κονσέρβες ντολμαδάκια 
  23. Canned tuna/Κονσέρβες τόνος 
  24. Couscous/Κους Κους 
  25. Cream/Κρέμα γάλακτος (cooking cream) 
  26. Onions/Κρεμμύδια 
  27. Orzo pasta/Κριθαράκι 
  28. Lemons/Λεμόνια 
  29. Spaghetti/Μακαρόνια 
  30. Pasta twists/Μακαρόνια βίδες/κοφτό 
  31. Jams/Μαρμελάδες 
  32. Honey/Μέλι 
  33. Spices/Μπαχαρικά, salt/αλάτι 
  34. Biscuits/Μπισκότα  
  35. Tomatoes/Ντομάτες  
  36. Tomato paste/Ντοματοπολτός  
  37. Potatoes/Πατάτες  
  38. Peppers/Πιπεριές  
  39. Chickpeas/Ρεβύθια  
  40. Peaches/Ροδάκινα  
  41. Rice/Ρύζι  
  42. Salami for pizza/Σαλάμι για πίτσα  
  43. Salad seeds/Σπόροι για σαλάτα (flaxseed/λιναρόσπορος, pumpkin seeds/κολοκυθόσποροι, sunflower seeds/ηλιόσποροι)  
  44. Grated cheese for pizza/Τριμμένο τυρί για πίτσα  
  45. Tea/Τσάι  
  46. Lentils/Φακές  
  47. Beans/Φασόλια  
  48. Fresh vegetables/Φρέσκα λαχανικά (parsley/μαϊντανός, green onions/κρεμμυδάκια, celery/σέλινο, etc.)  
  49. Rusks/Φρυγανιές  
  50. Bread/Ψωμί